Tip: TimeTrak Reset Password for all users in bulk

Do you require the ability to reset all user passwords in TimeTrak? There is the ability to reset all users’ passwords in bulk.

This process does not prevent users from using the previous password.

If it is required, that users update their TimeTrak password for security, then the Password Policy would need to be changed in conjunction with the following process.

How to reset all user TimeTrak Passwords in bulk

In Administrator Console, choose “Users & Resources” and click on “Reset Passwords”.

This will prompt you enter a new password and confirm that password.

Note: This does not reset the portal user passwords

Enforcing users to reset their password after a “Reset Password” for all users is actioned:

Once all user passwords have been reset, choose one of the following options.

Option 1:

Professional – TimeTrak Professional users will be able to “reset” their password from the login screen as per below. After selecting, “Reset your password” users will be required to enter the email address against their user. This will generate an email with a link for the user to reset their password.

Mobile – users do not have ability to reset their password from the login screen at present. Refer to section 2.2 of our whitepaper link below.


Option 2:

  1. Reset the Password Policy under Administration Console > Global System Setup > Admin Settings
  2. Adjust the “Minimum Password Length” to a value less than the existing length temporarily i.e. from 5 to 4.

    Click OK
  3. Reset the password for all users
    Administration Console > Users & Resources >Click on “Reset Passwords”
  4. Go back into Administration Console > Global System Setup > Admin Settings and set the Password Policy to a new “Minimum Password Length” i.e. from 4 character to 6 characters (not the original 5 characters)
    Click OK
    This activates another Password Policy change after the “Reset Password” which is the trigger to enforce users to change their password. It also enforces the user to enter a different password from what they previously had.
  5. Users need to login using the new bulk “Reset Password” button at which point will be prompted to change their password.
    Note: By giving all users the same password to login for the first time means that all users potentially have access to login as another user but would be prompted to change the password first.



Again this is not enforced for portal users on logging into the portal, however on setting up a new portal user their password will be required to meet the new password policy.

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If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 | AU:1800 60 80 77

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