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Related Appointments and Time Entries display in TimeTrak APP

Related appointments in TimeTrak Mobile display related appointments for the same day which is useful for group scheduling environments allowing staff to see other staff and equipment they are scheduled with.

August 9, 2023


Hours Recorded for day added to TimeTrak Professional Calendar View

Total hours recorded for the day (excluding appointments and lunch breaks) display within TimeTrak Mobile and the TimeTrak APP

August 4, 2023


TimeTrak APP “Add” Time Entry or Appointment defaults

This tip of the week will take you through the default behavior when adding a time entry/ appointment via the TimeTrak APP.

July 21, 2023


Job Quote Line Narrations Displayed in TimeTrak APP

The ability to display job quote line narratives (without the need to open each quote line) was previously only available in TimeTrak Professional when “Show Narratives” was enabled narratives would display under the quote line if applicable as per below example: From TimeTrak version 22.2.3, this functionality has been added […]

June 22, 2023


TimeTrak – Tasks

May 23, 2023


Reduce Add Purchase Orders and Disbursements to One Option in the App

From TimeTrak version 21.3.10, we have updated the options available when double tapping on a Time Entry

December 16, 2022


Clock On Functionality within TimeTrak App

Read about the clock on functionality that exists in TimeTrak Mobile and has now been introduced to the app

December 9, 2022


Add Time for Other Users and Equipment via TimeTrak in the App

In TimeTrak Mobile from 21.3, the ability to add time for other users and equipment was added to the calendar, allowing users to quickly copy their time entry for other staff and equipment in the field.

This functionality has been added to the TimeTrak APP from Version 21.3.10, providing APP users with the ability to add time for other users and equipment.

December 7, 2022


Add the Related Attachments Section to the Attachment Details Screen in App

Images or uploaded documents within a checklist (IE: photos taken) are related attachments to the completed checklist, which can be seen on both TimeTrak Professional and Mobile websites.

This functionality has been added within the TimeTrak APP from version 22.1.4

December 7, 2022


Set Serviceable Unit Geo Location via the TimeTrak App

Within the TimeTrak app from version 22.1.6 there is now the ability to set the geolocation of a serviceable unit.

December 7, 2022


Consume Quote Lines from TimeTrak App

From TimeTrak version 21.1.2, this same ability to consume from quote lines is available in the app. Refer to this article to find out more.

December 7, 2022


Hide Appointment Start and End Time & Must Choose Time Entry Start and End Time

Two new settings were added to the TimeTrak Admin Console Profile in version 21.3.6 so that App users see their next scheduled appointment without the requirement to see the Start and End Times.

September 15, 2022


User Queues display expanded on APP Home Screen

In the latest release of the APP, from API Version is 21.3.10, if a user is assigned to a profile with multiple queues enabled, if one of these queues has their user assigned to the queue the personalized queue will be displayed expanded at the bottom of their APP home screen. Read all about this here.

July 27, 2022


Add Attachments to Time Entries and Appointments in the APP

In the APP, from API Version is 21.3.10 onwards, there is a new Attachments options against Appointments and Time Entries

July 25, 2022


Allocate the Job Manager and/or Task User from a Queue Item in Mobile & the App

TimeTrak has been enhanced with a new feature where from version 21.3.10 onwards, there is now the ability to assign the Job Manager and/or Task User from a Queue item.

July 20, 2022


TimeTrak App – Update Warning

Because some users may not have automatic updates or update apps on their device regularly, the TimeTrak app will now display a green bar on login which advises ‘Update Now. There are new updated available’.

July 18, 2022


How to Check your TimeTrak APP Version

To help our support team assist you as quickly as possible, often one of the first things we need to know is the TimeTrak version and APP version you are running. Refer to this Tip to find out how to locate this information.

July 18, 2022


TimeTrak App – Customer Approvals

From TimeTrak version 21.3.6, Customer Approval of Time Entries and Disbursements can now be actioned via the App.

July 15, 2022


What to do after a TimeTrak Upgrade

This tip of the week will take you through problem solving tips after an upgrade has been completed in all browsers as well as Android and IOS devices as well as extra trouble shooting steps that you can take before contacting the friendly TimeTrak support team.

August 23, 2021


Enable Location Services for TimeTrak Mobile & APP

Instructions on how to set up Location Services for TimeTrak Mobile and App

August 16, 2021


How to Clear Google Chrome Cache and Cookies on Android Mobile Device

Instructions on how to clear Google Chrome cache and cookies on Android Mobile Device

August 6, 2021


Disbursements in the TimeTrak App

See below video on Disbursement functionality within the TimeTrak App.

July 12, 2021


Purchase Orders in the TimeTrak App

See below video on Purchase Order functionality within the TimeTrak App.

July 2, 2021


How to setup a connection to the TimeTrak App

See below video on how to setup a connection within the TimeTrak App, as well as the minimum requirements for the TimeTrak App.

May 30, 2021

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