TimeTrak 21.3 Release Notes – What’s New

Welcome to the third and final release of 2021, TimeTrak 21.3

Please browse through this document to find out more.

TimeTrak version 21.1 onwards has a new requirement for websites to be secure (https).

For a full list of requirements, please review below;

Table of Contents

  1. Change to TimeTrak licensing structure
  2. Changes to Verification
    1. Verification Renamed to Approval
    2. Ability to run Approval by Job report from a job-based work group
    3. Ability to easily identify the Approval status of time entries on Job and Task Time Entries tab
    4. Client Approval
  3. Can Edit/ Delete Posted Time Entries in TimeTrak Professional
  4. Display details of who completed a post and when in TimeTrak Professional
  5. Report Enhancements
    1. Ability to filter custom reports within the TimeTrak Admin Console
    2. Updated Report Categories with all standard TimeTrak reports assigned accordingly.
    3. Reports preview and help
  6. Task Status added to Profile Form Layout
    1. TimeTrak Professional
    2. TimeTrak Mobile
    3. TimeTrak APP
  7. Job Status added to the Task column chooser grid in TimeTrak Professional.
  8. If a time entry is “saved” against a quick task, task is converted to a normal task.
  9. Add Disbursements totals to Job total in TimeTrak Professional
  10. Ability for Time and Disbursements to post to Job Transactions against the TimeTrak users branch.
  11. User ID added to the user form in Professional
  12. Display message in Professional if appointment being scheduled is outside of users rostered hours
  13. When Job Quotes are emailed this is added to the job activity tab in Professional
  14. Right Click update time entry defaults added to appointments in TimeTrak Professional
  15. Ability to have more than 100 columns in a workgroup calendar
  16. Ability to run Checklists from TimeTrak Professional
  17. Moved TimeTrak Mobile / APP settings against the profile from Config to the Mobile/ APP settings tab.
  18. Moved “Show Quote Line Cost Type and Cost Group” from ERP tab to Form Layout tab
  19. Time Entry Defaults Added to Appointment Form Layout in Profile.
  20. Add the ability to set and change Task IDs against Quote lines
  21. Ability to post to inactive job statuses
  22. Add the ability to have a customisation row for the job footer
  23. Ability for Mobile/ APP users to edit only the job description
  24. Order Opportunity search results in mobile by Ascending or descending date order
  25. Ability to hide the Suspend function in TimeTrak Mobile/ TimeTrak APP
  26. Search Serviceable Units by client in the serviceable unit search screen
  27. Ability to run custom reports from stock items in TimeTrak Mobile
  28. Update to drag and drop of attachments in TimeTrak Professional
  29. Warn of un-consumed disbursement quote lines
  30. Pre-load un-consumed disbursement quote lines in Professional
  31. Search function added to Queue Timeline calendar
  32. Date/ Time Scroll selector in Mobile updated from 24 to 12 hour time format
  33. Stock Group filter added to Stock and Disbursement search screens in TimeTrak Mobile
  34. Related Time Entry Widget added to Time Entry Details In Mobile
  35. New Menu Option on Calendar items in TimeTrak Mobile
  36. Ability to select one or multiple appointments OR time entries and copy then drag to another day or time in TimeTrak Professional
  37. Ability to split appointments/ time entries to where the cursor is in TimeTrak Professional
  38. Ability to see the stock code in time entry defaults on appointment form in TimeTrak Professional
  39. Ability to display Pack Qty on Purchase Order Lines in TimeTrak
  40. Disbursement Id added to TimeTrak Professional
  41. Serviceable unit added to time entries column chooser in TimeTrak Professional
  42. Ability to see completed jobs which have been assigned to serviceable units in TimeTrak Mobile
  43. Ability to see completed jobs which have been assigned to clients in TimeTrak Mobile

1.   Change to TimeTrak licensing structure

With the release of version 21.3, there has been a change to the TimeTrak licensing structure to separate out user’s access between TimeTrak Professional, TimeTrak Mobile and the TimeTrak App.

From version 4.0, an Access license enabled users to access both Professional and Mobile websites based on what was enabled against their user profile.

Access licenses have now been converted to TimeTrak Full Access licenses which still allow users to access both TimeTrak Professional, TimeTrak Mobile as well as the TimeTrak App.

In addition to this, there is also TimeTrak Professional and TimeTrak Mobile licenses that restrict user access to the corresponding platform.

2.   Changes to Verification

Verification Renamed to Approval

On upgrade to TimeTrak version 21.3, Approval is available (previously called Verification) to cover additional features within this release.

There is the ability to rename this via the TimeTrak Admin Console:

Ability to run Approval by Job report from a job-based work group

In release 21.2, the ability to right-click and approve time entries was added to the calendar within Professional: https://timetrak.co.nz/blog/category/timetrak-21-2-release-notes-whats-new/#Point10

This right-click approval functionality only approved time entries, as any disbursements added are unable to be seen.

In 21.3, the ability to right-click an item within a job-based Queue has been added:

This will pop the Job Approval Report for the selected job where time and disbursements can be seen and approved:

Ability to easily identify the Approval status of time entries on Job and Task Time Entries tab

This release introduces the ability to see the approval status of time entries on the Time Entries tab of both a job and task by displaying the time entry icon indicated in the legend.

Hovering over the time entry displays who approval was completed by, and if the entry is partially or fully approved.

Client Approval

This releases introduces the ability for clients to approve time entries and disbursements.

Please see our Approval Whitepaper for more information

3.   Can Edit/ Delete Posted Time Entries in TimeTrak Professional

In many organisations TimeTrak data is used for payroll purposes and often exported to files that can then be imported to selected payroll software when configured.

Often time can be posted incorrectly and once posted this data is unable to be adjusted in TimeTrak, meaning that payroll needs to be notified and these entries need to be manually adjusted after the data has been imported to payroll in order for staff to be paid correctly.

In version 21.3, additional Profile settings “Can Edit/ Delete Posted Time Entries (Professional Only)” and “Can Edit/ Delete Posted Disbursements (Professional Only)” has been added, as per below:

If Approval is in use within your business and the entry was approved prior to posting, users will require the above setting as well as “Enable Global Approval” to edit or delete posted entries.

If these settings are enabled, users assigned to the Profile have the ability to edit/ delete time entries and/ or disbursements marked as posted within TimeTrak. This provides the ability to correct data which has been posted incorrectly allowing payroll exports and productivity reporting to be correct.

For example, the time entry below has accidentally been posted through to the job at the billable status Billable – Time & Half when it should have been Normal time (Billable).

Because the logged in user has profile settings “Can Edit/ Delete Posted Time Entries (Professional Only)”and “Can Edit/ Delete Posted Disbursements (Professional Only)” enabled they are able to open the time entry and update and/or delete the posted time entry and disbursement.

In this case, the billable status and labour code is updated, as per below:

Updating this information on the posted entry in TimeTrak allows the timesheet totals in timeline views to be correct as well as productivity reporting and payroll export data.

The Activities tab of the time entry also updates as per usual allowing users to see entries that have been changed:

Records against the job in TimeTrak are also updated, e.g., if posted as AFTER HOURS LABOUR, but then updated in TimeTrak to be STANDARD LABOUR, standard labour will now be reflected against the time entry in TimeTrak.

It is important to note that no adjustments are made to the data against the job in the ERP system.

This means if adjustments need to made after posting, these will still need to be made manually against the job in the ERP system as per current business processes and best practise but TimeTrak data can also be updated in order to reflect this information correctly as well.

4.   Display details of who completed a post and when in TimeTrak Professional

Previously when items where marked as ‘posted’, they would display in TimeTrak Professional with a locked icon and no details of when or how the item was posted:

This has been enhanced in TimeTrak Professional to provide end users with further information from version 21.3.

At the bottom of the time entry or disbursement form, a message displays when the entry was posted, by who and how it was posted, as per below:

5.   Report Enhancements

From release 21.3, enhancements against standard TimeTrak reports have been made in order to make reporting easier for end users.

Ability to filter custom reports within the TimeTrak Admin Console:

As per below, a Custom checkbox has been added to the Reports section within the TimeTrak Admin Console in order to filter reports that are custom. (Reports that have been written within the TimeTrak Report Designer and are not reports built into the TimeTrak Websites.)

Updated Report Categories with all standard TimeTrak reports assigned accordingly

Previously, there was only three standard TimeTrak report categories:

  • Administrator
  • General
  • TaskTrak

In release 21.3 onwards, additional report categories have been added to reflect the nature of the report with all standard reports assigned accordingly, grouping reports within the reports section of the TimeTrak Admin Console as well as against Profiles. (see below).

This is reflected within TimeTrak Professional reports selection as well:

Reports preview and help:

To further assist end users, all standard TimeTrak reports have had a preview uploaded to the TimeTrak website in order to provide end users with an overview of the information the report offers to see if the report may be of benefit.

Along with the preview is information on how the report is calculated.

This information can be found here.

These links are also available within reports in Professional.

When running a report, if there is documentation for the report, users can click the new question mark icon below which will pop this information:

6.   Task Status added to Profile Form Layout

To control user permissions on Task Status updates, Task Status has been added to the Profile Form layout and is applicable across TimeTrak Professional, TimeTrak Mobile and the TimeTrak App.

From version 21.3, against Profiles > Form Layout > Time Entry a new field Task Status has been added:

This is a great feature for clients who want users to be able to update the task status, but hide this update on a time entry.

In this example, Bridget is assigned to the Admin Profile and has “Edit Task” enabled, but Task Status is hidden on her time entry form layout.

TimeTrak Professional:

This means that when adding a time entry against a Task in Professional, Bridget only has the “Save” option available:

On Edit of the Task, she can still update the Task Status.

She can still also update the Task Status via a right-click > Edit > Status on the main task grid in Professional.

With the Task Status set to “Always” on the time entry form layout against her TimeTrak Profile, she will have both Save & Complete, and Save buttons available on the time entry.

This can cause confusion and lead to tasks being completed accidently in some environments.

Note: This behaviour also applies to quick tasks created in TimeTrak Professional.

Previously, this only displayed the Save & Complete option by default. If the Time Entry Task Status was set to “Hidden” this will only display the Save option.

If the Time Entry Task Status is set to “Always” or “Toggle” this will revert to the old behaviour where the default is Save & Complete and users need to select the arrow to save the time entry and leave the task open:

TimeTrak Mobile:

The above behaviour in TimeTrak Professional also flows through to TimeTrak Mobile.

If the user has the Time Entry Task Status is set to “Always” or “Toggle” against their TimeTrak Profile then on the time entry form the current task status will be displayed with the ability to update the task’s status to another from the task status dropdown selection.

There is also the ability to click “Save & Set Task as Complete” to save the time entry and update the task to the “Complete” status:

If the user has the Time Entry Task Status is set to “Hidden” against their TimeTrak Profile then on the time entry form the task status dropdown will not be displayed and the “Save & Mark Complete” button will not visible either:

7.   Job Status added to the Task column chooser grid in TimeTrak Professional

Job Status has been added to the Task grid column chooser in TimeTrak Professional, as per below:

This is helpful for clients where the job has been closed off in the ERP system while the tasks are still active in TimeTrak.

The Job Status column can now be used to easily identify this without the need to drill through to the job.

8.   If a time entry is “Saved” against a quick task, task is converted to a normal task

Quick tasks were introduced in TimeTrak Professional from version 4.0:

When recording time in Professional against a task that has been generated via quick task, the default behaviour on a time entry is to only display the “Save & Complete” button.

This is by design and working on the assumption that quick tasks are usually reactive work and should be marked complete.

In instances where the task should remain open, users need to click the arrow button and select “Save” every time they add a time entry against the task.

Tasks that are created via methods other than the quick task function have both the “Save” as well as “Save & Complete” buttons available when recording time against them in Professional (see below).

From version 21.3, this has been enhanced so if the user has Task Status set to “Always” in form layout against their Profile (as per point 6) when creating a task via the quick task function:

When recording time against this task, if the user chooses to leave the task open and clicks “Save” instead of the default “Save & Complete”, the task will be converted to a “standard task” instead of “quick task” in the database.

Meaning that the next time the user assigns time to the task, both save options will be available preventing the user from needing to click the arrow and select save each time and accidently closing the task when they need to keep it open.

9.    Added Disbursement totals to Job total in TimeTrak Professional

In release 19.3, a profile setting was introduced to define whether Job Budget and Remaining Totals display on a time entry screen in both TimeTrak Professional and TimeTrak Mobile:

In our latest release, this has been enhanced for TimeTrak Professional only to display Disbursements totals.

Budget being the total quantity of the job’s quote lines where the “Copy To” field is set to ‘C’ as per below:

If the “Actual and Scheduled Includes Write Off” Global System setting is disabled, as per below:

Actual =  The total quantity of unposted disbursements against the job (or task) that are not assigned to a billable status that marks disbursements as “Written Off” +  any work in progress (WIP),  ready to invoice or invoiced costs against the job in MYOB Exo Job Costing.

Residual = Budget – the Actual.

If the “Actual and Scheduled Includes Write Off” setting is enabled, then Written Off Cost transactions in Job Costing as well as unposted disbursements against a write off billable status will be included in the Actual.

10.   Ability for Time and Disbursements to post to Job Transactions against the TimeTrak user’s branch

In previous versions of TimeTrak, time and disbursements will hit job transactions with the branch assigned to the job they are posting to.

In release 21.3, the default is Job (as per previous behaviour) however there is now the ability to control this with the below Global Setting:

When this is set to user, on posting to job transactions the transaction’s branch will be defined by the branch specified against the user in TimeTrak:

Actual being the total quantity of unposted disbursements assigned to the job (or task against the job) plus any work in progress (WIP), written off, ready to invoice or invoiced costs against the job in Job Costing.

Residual being the Budget – the Actual.

11.   User ID added to the user form in Professional

In 21.2, the ability to see and edit fields against a TimeTrak user from Professional:

In 21.3, this has been enhanced slightly by adding the user’s ID in the user’s form:

12.   Display message in Professional if appointment being scheduled is outside of user’s rostered hours

From version 21.3, in TimeTrak Professional on appointment creation if the day or time range is outside of the user’s rostered hours for any of the users selected on the appointment, a message will be displayed to prompt the user that the appointment time is outside of the user’s rostered hours:

In the above example, this time range is outside of David’s rostered hours but inside Greg’s. This is useful for Schedulers as a prompt to notify them the selected appointment time is outside of the user’s usual work hours.

13.   When Job Quotes are emailed, this is added to the Job Activity tab in Professional

The Activity Tab of a Job is populated when checklists are completed against jobs, jobs are added and removed from queues, the job status changes, as well as when purchase orders for the job are created and emailed from TimeTrak:

In 21.3, this has been enhanced so that when a job quote is emailed from TimeTrak Mobile (refer here for  more information):

This also populates the Job Activities tab in Professional in order to review and track who sent the job quote and who it was sent to:

14.  Right Click update time entry defaults added to appointments in TimeTrak Professional

In TimeTrak Professional when scheduling an appointment, users can choose to set the default values for the Time Entry as per below:

What is set as the time entry defaults against an appointment will become the default when the user converts the appointment to a time entry or checks in/ out if the appointment in the field.

In 21.3, these Appointment Time Entry defaults have been added to the Profile form layout (see below).

On upgrade, items that are hidden against the time entry will be hidden against the appointment as well, as per below:

15.   Ability to have more than 100 columns in a workgroup calendar

Previously the limit of columns in a workgroup calendar has been limited to 100, this is still the recommended limit however, from 21.3 this can be increased up to 300.

It should be noted that increasing this limit past 100 may have an impact on the speed in which the workgroup calendar loads due to the amount of data that needs to be loaded to screen.

There is a warning message beside the setting notifying users of this impact:

16. Ability run checklists from TimeTrak Professional

In version 19.3, the Checklist tab against a job was added to TimeTrak Professional:

In the latest release, users with a Full Access or a Professional User license can complete checklists from the Checklist tab in TimeTrak Professional:

This will open another browser tab and direct the user to complete the checklist selected:

Depending on the checklist settings, these can then be saved as draft or saved.

The webpage will display the below message:

On closing the additional tab, refresh in Professional will display the checklist and state depending on the Save behaviour.

Draft Checklists can be added:

Note: This is dependent on having the TimeTrak Mobile website installed.

It is also important to note that the user that “Saves” the checklist (completes it) will be the user on the checklist report.

This functionality now allows office staff to complete draft checklists against jobs, but it should be noted the user on the standard checklist report is the user who submitted the checklist.

17. Moved TimeTrak Mobile / App settings against the profile from Config to the Mobile/ App settings tab

To assist users with Profile Configuration Settings that relate only to TimeTrak Mobile and the App that were previously stored on the Config tab of a Profile, as per below:

Have been moved to the Mobile/ App Settings tab against a Profile:

18. Moved “Show Quote Line Cost Type and Cost Group” from ERP tab to Form Layout tab

To assist users with Profile Configuration Settings “Show Cost Group and Cost Type” for job quote lines that is located in the below location against a Profile in versions prior to 21.3: 

This has been moved to Form Layout under Quote Line to be in line with other quote line form layout options.

This also provides the functionality to separate the two of these fields, for example, if only Cost Group is used Cost Type does not need to be displayed.

19. Time Entry Defaults Added to Appointment Form Layout in Profile

Time Entry defaults allow Schedulers to set the defaults of a time entry when scheduling an appointment so when that appointment is converted to a time entry or the user checks in/ out the time entry defaults will be what was set on the appointment.

Options that display within the Time Entry defaults map to what the user has set on their Profiles time entry form layout.

For example, if field staff had must choose on labour code or cost type enabled against their profile, schedulers would then be required to set this on creating an appointment, often they don’t know what this will be.

In 21.3, Default Time Entry fields have been added to the Profile form layout:

This provides the ability for these to be “hidden” so they are not required to be set when scheduled but are enforced when recording a time entry based on the time entry form layout settings.

20. Add the ability to set and change Task ID’s against Quote lines

In this release, Task has been added to Quote lines form layout:

When this is visible against a quote line in Professional, users have the ability to map open tasks against job quote lines with the copy to value of ‘T’.

Task Id and Task Title also become columns within Column Chooser that can be dragged into the quote line grid, as per below:

This same behaviour flows through to TimeTrak Mobile. When creating and editing a quote line, it can be mapped to an active task against the job as per below:

And again in the quote line view, task ID column is available and populated when quote lines are mapped, as per below:

21. Ability to post to inactive job statuses

TimeTrak, by default, does not allow time or disbursements to be added or posted through to Job Statuses in MYOB Exo that are marked as “Locked” or “Complete” or “Inactive”.

In some organisations, there is a requirement for items to post through to these Job Statuses in order to reduce additional administration time by putting the job back to active status, posting then updating the job status again.

From version 21.3, against a user’s profile there is an additional setting “Job Statuses not Requiring Validation when Posting” where job statuses users are required to post to regardless of the job status settings can be specified.

It is important to note that no additional time or disbursements can be recorded in TimeTrak against jobs with “Locked”, “Complete” or “Inactive”. However, Job Statuses with the above setting enabled and Job Statuses specified there is the ability to post to these Job Statuses as the validation for the job status will be ignored.

This change in posting validation flows through to TimeTrak Professional > Save & Post from the job screen, as per below:

As well as:

  • Posting from the Approval by Job Report
  • Bulk Posting via the TimeTrak Admin Console
  • Posting via TimeTrak Mobile

It is important to note this profile setting will not allow posting to inactive statuses via scheduled posting as scheduled posting is not assigned to a profile.

NB; From Release 21.3.9 the above process was enhanced so that scheduled posting would also provide the ability to post to inactive job statuses.

The setting was removed from the profile level and added to Global settings as per below:

When enabled, all profiles and scheduled events have permission to post to the selected inactive job statuses.

Note: The job status drop down is restricted to only inactive job statuses.

By default, the job footer bar displays any pop up alerts against the job’s client account in MYOB Exo:

From 21.3, there is the ability to customise what displays on the job footer against users’ profiles, for example if it was more important for users on the Admin Profile to easily see the customer credit limit and credit terms this could be passed into their Profile:

Which would replace the client’s pop up alert with this information:

As well as;

Posting from the Approval by Job Report.

Bulk Posting via the TimeTrak Admin Console.

Posting via TimeTrak Mobile.

It is important to note this profile setting will not allow posting to inactive statuses via scheduled posting as scheduled posting is not assigned to a profile.

23. Ability for Mobile/ App users to edit only the job description 

In many organisations, field staff should not be able to edit a job as this would have a huge impact should they edit it incorrectly.

However, to streamline business processes, it is often requested that only selected items can be edited by field staff.

Prior to 21.3, there was the ability for field staff to edit only the job status or the job notes.

Continuing to add to this functionality in 21.3, there is now the ability for users to edit only the Job Description via TimeTrak Mobile or the TimeTrak App.

This ability is controlled by the below Profile setting:

In Mobile, users cannot edit the job but have the ability to click Edit Job Description in order to edit the job description field:

24. Order Opportunity search results in Mobile by ascending or descending date order  

CRM features were added to TimeTrak Mobile in 2017:

In version 21.3, the ability to order opportunity search results by the due date (Descending by default):

Or ascending can now be controlled by a user’s Profile:

25. Ability to hide the Suspend function in TimeTrak Mobile/TimeTrak App

When users have the ability to check in/ out of a job in TimeTrak Mobile and the TimeTrak App by default the Suspend option is available.

Suspend: This functionality works on the example that a user was scheduled (appointment created for them) for 3 hours from 10am – 1pm, for example.

The Mobile user checks into the appointment (Or: Start travel>Arrive>Check in) they work on the job for 2 hours then the user needs to leave the job to go to another urgent job, or “pause” for lunch.

Clicking suspend will require the user to enter their time entry for the time recorded so far, the remaining time (1 hour) of the original appointment time (3 hours) will be left in the user’s calendar as an appointment for them to check back into after lunch.

This often confuses users, which leads to them clicking suspend accidently or they prefer just to check into the job directly should this occur.

In this instance, there is now the below Profile setting (enabled by default) to control whether the Suspend option is available to TimeTrak Mobile or App users, as per below:

26. Search Serviceable Units by client in the Serviceable Unit search screen

Businesses that use Serviceable Units often access and search these directly from their home screen in Mobile:

The Search for Serviceable Units previously searched:

Unit Code, Unit Description, Unit Stock Code, Unit Serial Number and Unit Web Site Ref.

In 21.3, the search screen above also searches by account allowing users to search the client name directly from the Serviceable Unit screen to see details of the clients units.

Previously users needing to access client Serviceable Unit information by Client > Serviceable units.

27. Ability to run custom reports from stock items in TimeTrak Mobile 

Unlike TimeTrak Professional in TimeTrak Mobile stock items can be viewed and searched from the home screen as per below:

Users can search and select stock items as per below:

On selecting the item, details including stock levels (for stock locations the user has access to) are displayed with the added ability to run reports directly from the item, as per below:

Reports that display will be limited to those with the Report Type of Stock Item, as per below:

The selected stock item can be passed into the report without the user entering this using the parameter StockCode.

This feature provides the ability for businesses to create custom reports to display all sorts of information about stock items to users in the field such as extra fields as well as items on order from other branches (not currently included in the stock levels overview against stock).

28. Update to drag and drop of attachments in TimeTrak Professional

The ability to drag and drop attachment(s) against a client, job, task, purchase order and serviceable unit via the attachments tab has been available for some time as per below:

In 21.3, the layout of this has been updated to make this functionality more noticeable for users as per below:

Users can select the Browse Files button to open file explore and select one (or multiple files by holding down the Ctrl key) before clicking open to attach these to the item.

Alternatively, file(s) can simply be dragged and dropped from your machine (multiple files can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key).

Emails can also be attached by dragging directly from your mailbox, as per below:

Note: There may be some limitations to outlook versions and IT permissions that prevent emails being attached directly from a mailbox.

29. Warn of un-consumed disbursement quote lines

In some industries, all disbursement quote lines should be consumed and often a prompt would assist to ensure this occurs.

In 21.3, as per below, there is an additional Profile setting “Display Warning If Disbursement Quote Lines Are Not Consumed”.

This Profile setting is dependent on “Show Job Quote Lines” and “Consume Quote Line Quantities”.

Disbursement quote lines are defined as quote lines against the job where Copy To is set to C, as per below:

The used and remaining fields against the job quote line are calculated as per below:

Used = Quote line, sent to the COST page within MYOB Exo Job Costing with a line status of: Invoiced, Work In Progress, Ready to Invoice or Write Off.

+ Any unposted disbursements in TimeTrak that have been consumed via the quote lines.

Remaining = Quantity – Used

When this setting is enabled, on creating a time entry in Professional if there is any disbursement quote lines with a remaining figure greater than zero the below message will display to prompt users there is outstanding quoted disbursements that need consumed.

This warning message also flows through to TimeTrak Mobile when recording time, as per below:

As well as the TimeTrak App, as per below:

Note: This warning message will also be displayed when time is recorded against TASKS where the job has outstanding disbursement quote lines to be consumed.

30. Pre-load unconsumed disbursement quote lines in Professional

Continuing from the above, to enhance this even further there is an additional Profile setting “Preload Disbursement Quote Lines on Time Entry (TimeTrak Professional)”, as per below:

This Profile setting is dependent on “Show Job Quote Lines” and “Consume Quote Line Quantities” and can be used alongside “Display Warning If Disbursement Quote Lines Are Not Consumed”.

It is important to note that this feature is only available in the TimeTrak Professional website.

When adding a time entry against a job or task, where the job has disbursement quote lines (Copy To “C”) lines where the remaining is greater than 0, as per below:

The disbursement tab of a new time entry will pre-load the disbursement quote lines where remaining is higher than 0, with a quantity of 0 at the quoted price, as per below:

If users do not go to the disbursement tab and update the quantity before saving the time entry these pre-loaded items will be removed on save.

If one of the preloaded disbursements is manually removed before saving the time entry, all pre-loaded items will be removed.

If the quantity of line(s) is updated prior to saving the time entry, as per below example:

On edit of the time entry, the disbursement with a quantity of 0 has “dropped off”:

Used and remaining columns have updated against the quote line on the job, as per below:

31. Search function added to queue timeline calendar

The ability to search queues was added to TimeTrak Professional in 19.2.4 as per below:


This search function allows users to search items based on the information displayed in the queue list.

This information can be adjusted and set based on user profiles as per below example where job queue information has been adjusted:

Many clients display job based queues in timeline views, and need to scroll down to view scheduling of jobs they know are in the queue.

From 21.3, when in a timeline view there is a search icon as per below.

On selection, a search box appears which will search the queue data and move to matching items(s) on the calendar.

In the above example, on searching Brands the calendar refreshes to the first brands job in the list.

12167 (bright yellow) is the first item in the list, there is other jobs for this client in the list 12164 which is a lighter yellow. Clicking Search again will move the calendar position to the next item that meets the search criteria in the list.

32. Date/ Time Scroll selector in Mobile updated from 24 to 12 hour time format

In previous versions of TimeTrak Mobile prior to 21.3.5,

When adding a time entry or appointment the start time and end time would display as 12 hour time, however when users selected the start or end time fields the scroll bar selector would be displayed in 24 hour time as per below:

This has now been updated to 12 hour time as per below ensuring the same format is across the whole website and preventing any confusion or need to convert 12 hour time to 24 hour time for already very busy field staff.

33. Stock Group filter added to Stock and Disbursement search screens in TimeTrak Mobile

From version 21.3.5, within TimeTrak Mobile Stock and Disbursement search screen there is now an added Stock Group Selector filter as per below:

By default this will default to “All Stock Groups” as per below behaviour of previous versions.

However users can then filter the stock/ disbursement search by stock groups in order to find what they are looking for easier.

The Stock Group selector will also filter the Recent Stock Items list, for example when selecting the Audio stock group there is nothing displayed in the recent items list as the logged in user has not recently added anything from this stock group:

This selection will also be “cached” to the browser so it is remembered for the user.

Meaning if they are always adding stock from a specific stock group they do not need to see other stock items in the list and their search will always return items from this stock group.

34. Related Time Entry Widget added to Time Entry Details In Mobile

In previous versions of TimeTrak Mobile against an appointment there is a Related Appointments widget as per below which displays all the appointments which are related to the current appointment for the same day.

This assists in group scheduling environments so that users can see the other staff and or equipment they have been scheduled with.

In TimeTrak mobile from version 21.3.5, there is also a related Time Entries widget as per below which displays all time entries that are related to the current entry for the same day as per below:

This is a great enhancement again for group scheduling environments allowing them to see (and edit) if permissions allow the related time entries.

35. New Menu Option on Calendar items in TimeTrak Mobile

In version 19.2.5, the profile setting “Show Details Button On Calendar (Mobile Only)” was introduced.

When enabled, the below icon would display against time entries and appointments in the calendar view within Mobile, selecting this icon would take the user directly to the appointments or time entries job.

From version 21.3.5, this feature has been enhanced with additional functionality added as per below:

Menu button against Appointments:

“Show Job Details”

The Same as previous behaviour, on selection of this option the user will be taken to the appointments job details screen.

“Add Disbursements”

If the logged in user has the ability to “Add Disbursements”, on selection of this option the user will be taken to add disbursements to the appointment.

Menu button against Time Entries:

“Show Job Details”

The Same as previous behaviour, on selection of this option the user will be taken to the time entries job details screen.

“Add Labour

If the logged in user is a group administrator, then this option will be available to them.

When selected this will load the “Add time entries for other users” screen filtered to only allow time entries to be created for users (equipment users are unable to be selected here).

If the time entry came from an appointment that had related appointments the users who were scheduled will be enabled by default as per below, with the ability to add and record other users time against the same job/ task as the current time entry before clicking save.

This will allow the user to quickly create related time entries for other users.

“Add Equipment”

If the logged in user is a group administrator, and there is “equipment users” setup then this option will be available to them.

When selected this will load the “Add time entries for other users” screen filtered to only allow time entries to be created for equipment users.

If the time entry came from an appointment that had related appointments the equipment users who were scheduled will be enabled by default as per below, with the ability to add and record other equipment users time against the same job/ task as the current time entry before clicking save.

This will allow the user to quickly create related time entries for equipment.

“Add Disbursements”

If the logged in user has the ability to “Add Disbursements”, on selection of this option the user will be taken to add disbursements to the time entry.

To provide an overview of the time entries that have been created for other users via this method, on selection of a time entry there is now a related time entries widget as per below (similar to the related entries widget for appointments). Refer to; Related Time Entry Widget added to Time Entry Details In Mobile.

36. Ability to select one or multiple appointments OR time entries and copy then drag to another day or time in TimeTrak Professional

From release 21.3.4, there is now the ability to copy Time Entries or appointments in the TimeTrak Professional calendar, the copied items will be selected by default which can then be dragged to another time slot or day in the calendar as per below example:

For more information on this please see below tip of the week: https://timetrak.co.nz/blog/category/ability-to-copy-selected-time-entries-appointments-on-the-calendar-to-another-day-via-dragging/

37. Ability to split appointments/ time entries to where the cursor is in TimeTrak Professional

Previously via right-click of a time entry or appointment in TimeTrak Professional, there was the option to split the entry, which would be split in half by default, users would then drag the time entry or appointment in order for the split be correct.

For example, splitting a 2 hour time entry so that 1.5 hours was normal time and 0.5 hours was time and a half.

In TimeTrak Professional from version 21.3.4 there is now the ability to define where you would like to split the time entry or appointment as per below example:

For more information, please see below the tip of the week: https://timetrak.co.nz/blog/category/add-ability-to-split-appointments-time-entries-to-where-the-cursor-is/

38. Ability to see the stock code in time entry defaults on appointment form in TimeTrak Professional

In TimeTrak Professional from version 21.3.5, there is now the ability to see the Stock Code in the Time Entry Defaults section of the Appointment Form.

The Stock Codes that already displayed against the Labour Code on the Time Entry Form:

will now also display on the Appointment Form as per below, great for clients who are familiar with the stock code and not so much the stock code description.

39. Ability to display Pack Qty on Purchase Order Lines in TimeTrak

In TimeTrak from version 21.3.7, there is now the ability to display Pack Quantity on Purchase Order Lines.

Great for MYOB Exo customers who purchase stock which is setup with pack quantity’s.

For more information on this please see below tip of the week:

40. Disbursement Id added to TimeTrak Professional

In TimeTrak Professional from version 21.3.8 the Id of a disbursement has been added to the disbursement form as well as the disbursement grid as per below:

This is in line with Time Entry Id displaying and identifies the order or items added and assists support staff with identifying data easily.

41. Serviceable unit added to time entries column chooser in TimeTrak Professional

In previous versions of TimeTrak Professional if the logged in user had serviceable unit enabled on their profile form layout for disbursements and time entries as per below:

Selected serviceable units could be seen and selected on the time entry or disbursement form in TimeTrak Professional.

There was also the ability to see serviceable unit from the disbursement grid against a job as per below:

This is helpful as it provides the ability to see the unit selected without needing to open the disbursement form.

From version 21.3.8 the time entry grid has been enhanced to include the serviceable unit column as per below.

Note: If more than one serviceable unit is selected against the time entry the first will display in the serviceable unit grid with … beside it as highlighted below to indicate multiple serviceable units are assigned.

42. Ability to see completed jobs which have been assigned to serviceable units in TimeTrak Mobile

In TimeTrak Mobile via serviceable units the Assigned Jobs option as per below, provides the ability to see all jobs the unit has been assigned to with the count being the total amount of jobs the unit has been assigned to.

On selection of Assigned Jobs however, in this example only x4 jobs can be seen as one of these jobs has been completed and is now against an inactive status:

In TimeTrak Mobile from version 21.3.9 the ability to see the inactive jobs assigned to a serviceable unit can now been seen with the added ability to “Include Completed” filter as per below:

Note: The “Include Completed” filter will cache to the users browser, so once selected it will be remembered.

43. Ability to see completed jobs which have been assigned to clients in TimeTrak Mobile

Similar to the previous point, In TimeTrak Mobile via Clients the jobs panel would only show the clients open “active” jobs.

In TimeTrak Mobile from version 21.3.9 the ability to see the inactive jobs assigned to a client can now been seen with the added ability to select a new “Include Completed” filter as per below:

Note: The “Include Completed” filter will cache to the users browser, so once selected it will be remembered.

There will also only be x5 jobs at a time displayed (so not to affect performance) for clients with many more jobs users can select “More Results” in order to see other jobs.

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