Time Sheets
Project Management
Geo Location
Clock On / Off
Check In / Check Out
GPS Tracking
Electronic Forms (Compliance)
Client SMS notification
Timesheet and Leave Approval
Purchase Orders
These reports are available for download from cloud report server. Click here for more information on how to import these into TimeTrak
Click here for more information on report settings and permissions
Reports that are designed in the inbuilt TimeTrak Report Designer can be customised to meet your requirements. Take a look at our Report Writer basics guide here. you can discuss this with the TimeTrak support team: support@timetrak.co.nz
For those situations where TimeTrak reporting doesn’t quite fit, you can also access your data using external reporting and analysis tools such as Excel. Take a look at our guide here
This section allows you to read about and view sample reports.
View reports by category or view all reports below.
This is a TaskTrak report that will show the status of tasks modified within the selected date range. This is […]
This is a new job based report providing an overview of time entries that have been personally approved by the […]
This report is available in TimeTrak version 24.3 on on This report highlights job resources that currently don’t have users […]
Report Parameters: This report provides a list of all saved draft checklists within the specified date range. This report is […]
This report is a back-up information for all active appointments in the system that best to be exported to Excel […]
This report is a summary for all users that haven’t filled their time. It will show total of hours expected […]
This report is an overview of days which user hasn’t filled in.The expected hour is based on user’s own roster […]
This report is an overview of any activities such as changing the atributes on the job or task, creating time […]
This report is an overview of a serviceable unit to show associated job assigned to the unit itself, Narration entered in the unit, Parts that have been used, and History notes added to the unit.
Weekly TimeSheet report displays summarised information of the time recorded for a week (7 days). Total hours recorded per day per job code and internal/ leave time as well as a break down summary per roster.
This report provides an overview of time in lieu accrued and used per staff member for the selected date range.
This report provides an overview of all attachments that have expiry date enabled and the expiry date set is between specified report parameters date range.
This report is available from TimeTrak version 22.2 Report Parameters: Default Group: Select one or multiple group(s) Profile: Select one or […]
Report Parameters: Group: Select one or multiple group(s) Users: All users or multi-selection of users from the selected group Start Date – […]
This report provides an overview of the activities of user’s setup within TimeTrak for the selected date range.
This report designed to show pricing rules created in TimeTrak (introduced in 22.1). This report will benefit the user to see one or many pricing rules selected in the report assigned to any jobs.
This report provides the ability to show all disbursements recorded for the selected TimeTrak user(s), within the specified date range grouped by the user then job.
This report provides the ability to show all disbursements recorded in TimeTrak by stock code.
This report is to show any billable time count as part of payroll and is grouped by roster classes.
This report is designed for versions of TimeTrak 21.3 onwards to provide an “audit” of time entries that have been deleted/edited after they have been posted through to job costing
This report provides the ability to show all information for the selected TimeTrak user, which needs to be actioned or taken into consideration before deleting the selected user(s) from TimeTrak.
This report displays client, job task id and the total amount of hours recorded against the selected task
This report is to show you overdue opportunity that has been created by the selected user. The information provides standard company and title of the opportunity, also with the due date.
Report Parameters: Staff: Staff you want to review This report is to show you opportunity that has been created by […]
This report can be used for payroll purposes. It is grouped by user, and displays all time entries for the period specified with job number and job title (as well as task title as applicable).
This report is similar as standard Payroll User Summary report but the information has been summarised and also grouped per Job’s branch.
This is a standard payroll report for MYOB Acumatica user. This report will show time entered for the user selected and under the date range.
This report shows claim measurables added to the job selected in the parameter. There’s an information when it was claimed and percentage of the progression from the total claimed per total quoted to the job.
This report is to show you pro forma information of the job as per the date period you entered.
The functionality of this report is to show you time entries and disbursements that has been invoiced for the job on the selected date range. The date range will collect data based on when the time entry and/or disbursement been posted.
This report shows information of task created against the client to see the status of the task: open or completed. The date filter will validate the data based on the start time of the task.
This report provides an overview of all active users created in TimeTrak.
This report is designed for clients who use Job/ Task-based response levels within their business in cases where they need to measure response levels for client agreements.
This report can be run from the main report drop down in TimeTrak Professional or directly from the task via the reports tab.
When enabled, this report provides an overview of all jobs with time entries recorded either directly against the job, or against the job via a task in the date range specified.
This report is very similar to the Management report, but instead of being grouped by users the tasks are assigned to it is grouped by clients.
This is a task-based report for businesses using the TaskTrak module within TimeTrak to display a breakdown of active tasks grouped by assigned to users.
This report has the ability to export to other file types, clicking the columns will order the data accordingly.
When enabled this report can be run directly from a task via the reports tab in TimeTrak Professional by default or TimeTrak or Mobile if the report permissions are updated.
This is a task based report for businesses using the TaskTrak module within TimeTrak to display a breakdown of active (open) and closed tasks for the selected client and job(s) in the date range selected.
This is the standard job quote report available in TimeTrak that can be run/ emailed directly from a job in TimeTrak Mobile depending on user permissions.
Standard purchase order report available in TimeTrak that can be run/ emailed directly from a purchase order in either TimeTrak Professional or TimeTrak Mobile depending on user permissions.
This report can be run directly from an opportunity in TimeTrak Mobile only depending on users permissions.
This report is very similar to the Utilisation Analysis Report, however instead of “Productive” time being grouped by the billable status, it is instead seen by the job type, as per below, with all job types having their own column with the hours recorded grouped by the job type.
This report is very similar to the Productivity Report, productivity is based on “budgeted” productive hours specified against the user’s roster in TimeTrak and the total amount of hours recorded for the date specified.
This is a legacy report written into the TimeTrak website and is unable to be adjusted.
This Productivity report is based on charge out rates the average rate, and total dollar figure per billable status per user over the specified time range.
This Productivity report is based on “budgeted” productive hours specified against the user’s roster in TimeTrak and the total amount of hours recorded for the date specified.
This report shows a breakdown of Non-Billable Productive time specified against the time analysis codes setup in the TimeTrak Admin Console.
This report shows a breakdown of Non-Productive time specified against the time analysis codes setup in the TimeTrak Admin Console.
This report provides a variance column based on budget and actual, as well as an Average per day column indicating the average “productive” hours per user per day for the selected date range.
This report displays job, contact and client information in a portrait report view.
This report can be run directly from a job in either Professional or Mobile depending on users permissions.
This report is very similar to the Job Budget Client Summary and is a great report to review job budget, hours, actual and invoiced values.
This is a great report to review job budget hours, actual and invoiced values.
This is great report to display to provide an overview of job(s) for a client, by billable status and user per month.
This is a useful report for MYOB Exo clients, who are just rolling out TimeTrak in order to see transactions already assigned to the job in Job Costing not available to be seen in TimeTrak.
This is great report to display a full overview of the job, by default all transactions against the job are shown and colour coded based on their line status in MYOB Exo or black if they are sitting in TimeTrak as not yet posted.
This is the standard invoice report within TimeTrak.
The report will by default display the total sell price of items grouped by their cost type for the date range selected.
This report only displays disbursements assigned to time entries, users are notified of this by the message in the bottom right hand corner.
This report is grouped by group (if multiple selected), then user and displays all disbursements entered within TimeTrak, ordered by date.
There is an option to select All jobs, or select multiple jobs to run the report for by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the jobs you wish to run the report for before clicking Generate Report.
This report has been designed to display client number and account name along with their current outstanding balance, current month, last month current year and last year’s spend.
This report is designed to display stock purchased by clients grouped by stock group over the selected date range.
This is the same as the standard checklist report without any link to serviceable units for businesses who do use serviceable units and have these tables in their database.
This is the standard checklist report including all checklist items to display within the report.
This report provides the ability to review all users or a specified user’s budget (expected work hours) and their actual recorded hours along with unallocated hours (difference between the two) and days that include unallocated time.
This report is a great overview of time entries and disbursements that require verification and are yet to be verified.
This report is a great overview of unposted time entries and disbursements against jobs based on the job branch and date range.
This report gives an overview of what was recorded in TimeTrak versus what was actually billed in cases where hours need to be adjusted once they hit the job, or cancelled due to be incorrect or written off due to being unable to bill the client.
This report displays the order number recorded against time entries grouped by user and ordered by entry date for the date range selected.
This report shows all active Non-Billable Productive codes setup in the database and to which group(s) they are available.
This report shows all active Non-Productive Codes setup in the database and to which group(s) they are available.
This report provides the ability to search time entry narrations for the group(s) of users or users specified in the date range.
This report displays the total amount of hours recorded for a day per user along with the user’s total for the date range for a maximum of 14 days.
This report displays details of budgeted, recorded hours and the balance of hours for the selected user per day for the selected date range
This report displays the active holidays for the current calendar year which are setup in the TimeTrak Administrator Console under Holidays.
This report provides the ability to see users assigned to groups within TimeTrak and display if it is the users default group or not.
This report provides the ability to see disbursements that have been assigned to time entries only in TimeTrak for a selected group or all groups over the date range selected.
This report provides the ability to show information of clock on and off for all users in the selected group(s).
This report displays the average time it takes users to record a time entry after the work has been completed.
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